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MSA Centers of Excellence

Find the best possible and easily accessible multi-disciplinary clinical care near you.

What are the MSA Centers of Excellence?

The goal of the MSA Centers of Excellence program is to provide access to the best possible and easily accessible multi-disciplinary clinical care and supporting services for individuals affected by Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) and their families through a geographically diverse network of local and/or regional clinical centers.


In an effort to coordinate care with both clinical and social services, the Centers of Excellence (COEs or Centers) will provide professional and lay education in the areas they serve, will be involved in and inform patients of MSA research, and collaborate with Mission MSA in its efforts to continually improve the lives of those affected by MSA.


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To establish an International standard for best practice of comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care, and to increase access to these necessary services for patients with MSA.

To designate and support institutions that excel with regard to knowledge and expertise with MSA patient and family care, establishment of a multi-disciplinary care team, education and outreach to their local community and allied health partners, and offer opportunities for participation in MSA clinical research.

To support Mission MSA in its mission to improve quality of life and bring hope to those affected by MSA through enhanced care, support, community, education, and research.


For more information about a Center of Excellence, please contact their clinic coordinator listed below.

(#) Centers near you:

  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    185 Pilgrim Road

    Boston, MA 02446

    +1 (617) 632-8454

  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital

    60 Fenwood Road, Hale Building for Transformative Medicine Room 4008

    Boston, MA 02115

  • Centre hospitalier de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al (CHUM)

    Quenia Sévère | quenia.antoine.severe.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

  • Emory University

    12 Executive Park Dr NE #290B

    Atlanta, GA 30329

    Tanya Newman | tanya.newman@emoryhealthcare.org

  • Hospital Clinic de Barcelona

    170 Villarroel Street

    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 08036

    Ana Isabel Camara | acamara@clinic.cat

  • Massachusetts General Hospital

    55 Fruit St., Wang Ambulatory Care Center - Suite 835

    Boston, MA 02114

    +1 (617) 726-3216

  • Mayo Clinic

    200 First Street SW

    Rochester, MN 55905

    Patricia Stevens | stevens.patricia@mayo.edu

  • Medical University of South Carolina

    135 Rutledge Ave. 6th Floor

    Charleston, SC 29425

    +1 (843) 792-3223

  • Medizinische Universitaet Innsbruck

    AnichstraĂźe 35

    6020, Innsbruck, Austria,

    Nicole Kuen |

  • National Taiwan University Cancer Center

    National Taiwan University Hospital No. 7, Chong-Shan South Road, Chong-Cheng district 100

    Taipei, Taiwan,

    Chao-Yi Hung | bill8542@gmail.com

  • National Taiwan University Hospital

    Taipei, Taiwan,

    Fu-Ti Peng, M.S. | leah951@gmail.com

  • NYU Dysautonomia Center – NYU Langone Health

    530 First Ave., Suite 9Q

    New York, NY 10016

    Lee-Ann Lugg | Lee-Ann.Lugg@nyulangone.org

  • Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center, The Queen’s Medical Center

    550 S. Beretania, Ste 503

    Honolulu, HI 96813

    Maddie Tsamis, MSN, RN | MTsamis@queens.org

  • Rush University

    1725 W Harrison St Ste 755

    Chicago, IL 60612-3863

    Lucia Blasucci | lucia_blasucci@rush.edu

  • Stanford University

    213 Quarry Road

    Palo Alto, CA 94127

    Isaias (Izzy) de Araujo | IMelodeAraujo@stanfordhealthcare.org

  • Tel Aviv Medical Center

    Ariela Hilel | arielah@tlvmc.gov.il

  • The Washington University

    660 S. Euclid Avenue

    St. Louis, MO 63110

    Amy Bain | baina@wustl.edu

  • UC San Diego Parkinson & Other Movement Disorders Center

    4510 Executive Drive, Suite 325

    San Diego, CA 92121

    Lisa Solomon | ldamron@health.ucsd.edu

  • University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

    501 Jack Stephens Drive

    Little Rock, AR 72205

    Delores Chandler | DChandler@uams.edu

  • University of Florida

    3009 SW Williston Rd

    Gainesville, FL 32608

    Melissa Himes | melissa.himes@neurology.ufl.edu

  • University of Miami

    1120 NW 14th Street, Ste 1383

    Miami, FL 33136

    Milena Menendez | mmm9204@med.miami.edu

  • University of Michigan

    7500 Challis Road

    Brighton, MI 48116

    Kathy Bennett | klbennett@med.umich.edu

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    300 Meadowmont Village Circle Suite 202

    Chapel Hill, NC 27516

    Maggie Ivancic | mivancic@neurology.unc.edu

  • University of Pennsylvania

    330 S. 9th Street

    Philadelphia, PA 19107

    Stephanie Blash, RN | stephanie.blash@pennmedicine.upenn.edu

  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

    3471 5th Ave., Kaufmann Building Suite 811

    Pittsburgh, PA 15213

    Melanie Mielo | mielom@upmc.edu

  • University of Utah

    729 Arapeen Drive

    Salt Lake City, UT 84108

    Rebecca Starks | rebecca.starks@hsc.utah.edu

  • University of Virginia

    Box 800394, McKim Hall

    Charlottesville, VA 22908

    Joy Lamphier, RN | HGJ3AM@uvahealth.org

  • UT Southwestern

    5323 Harry Hines, G2.220

    Dallas, TX 75390

    Alva Cano | alva.cano@utsouthwestern.edu

  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center

    2220 Pierce Ave., Ste B-1053

    Nashville, TN 37232

    Kelsey Rose | cognitionandmovement@vumc.org

  • Virginia Commonwealth University

    9105 Stony Point Drive

    Richmond, VA 23235

  • Yale University

    8 Devine St Suite 1

    North Haven, CT 06473

    Maria Herrera, RN | maria.herrera@ynhh.org

Ontario British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Quebec New Brunswick Newfoundland & Labrador Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Minnesota Washington Idaho Montana North Dakota Michigan Maine Ohio New Hampshire New York Vermont Pennsylvania Arizona California New Mexico Texas Alaska Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Florida Giorgia South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Marryland Delawere New Jersey Conneticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Oregon Hawaii Utah Wyoming Nevada Colorado South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Iowa Missouri Wisconsin Illinois Kentucky Arkansas Tennessee West Virginia Indiana

Mission MSA Announces the 2025 MSA Centers of Excellence

Following a careful review of numerous applications, Mission MSA is confident that the selected institutions align with the organization’s vision and mission and are equipped with multidisciplinary teams that will ensure those impacted by MSA receive a comprehensive, gold-standard, continuum of care. These Centers of Excellence will not only create the standard of care in the United States in which patients, care partners, and their families can access necessary specialized care, but also contribute to the advancement of MSA research and education.

Interested in Becoming a Center of Excellence?

Join the elite network of healthcare providers recognized for delivering exceptional, multidisciplinary care that’s accessible and patient-centered. Applications are now open! The deadline to submit an application is October 20, 2024.

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