2025 International MSA Congress Travel Scholarships
To make the 2025 International MSA Congress in Boston more accessible to those who wish to attend, we are offering travel scholarships to support participation. Whether you are an individual impacted by MSA or an early-stage researcher in the field, these travel scholarships are designed to help you connect, learn, and make meaningful contributions to the MSA community. The call for applications is now closed.

Types of Travel Scholarship
Patient and Care Partner Travel Scholarship
The Mission MSA Patient and Care Partner Travel Scholarship provides crucial support for individuals diagnosed with multiple system atrophy (MSA) and their caregivers to attend the 2025 International MSA Congress in Boston or virtually. These scholarships will include complimentary registration and financial assistance to help make attendance possible for those facing financial barriers.
This opportunity is exclusively available to MSA patients and their care partners.
Travel scholarships include complimentary registration and a scholarship of up to $750, depending on financial need and available funding. If we are unable to contact you regarding your travel scholarship within 2 weeks of awarding, it will be forfeited.
Applications are now closed.
Please note the travel scholarship is not guaranteed.
The Dr. Gregor Wenning Scholarship for Early Investigators
The Dr. Gregor Wenning Scholarship for Early Investigators is designed to support the growth of emerging MSA researchers. Available to early investigators—those within seven years of completing their terminal degree and currently at or below the Assistant Professor level—this scholarship includes complimentary registration and provides travel support for the 2025 International MSA congress in Boston. This opportunity allows you to advance your career, connect with renowned researchers, and contribute to the discussions shaping the future of MSA research. Apply today to elevate your professional journey!
This opportunity is exclusively available for early investigators: An Early Investigator is someone who is no more than 7 years out from completion of their terminal degree (i.e., residency, fellowship, PhD) and holds a position no higher than Asst. Prof. or equivalent.
If we are unable to contact you regarding your travel scholarship within 2 weeks of awarding, it will be forfeited.
Applications are now closed.
Please note this travel scholarship is not guaranteed.
Patient Advocate Award
Since its inception in 2022, the Mission MSA Patient Advocate Award has been rewarded annually at the Multiple System Atrophy Annual Patient & Family Conference. It recognizes a current MSA patient who champions the awareness, needs, and overall impact of multiple system atrophy.
Applications are now closed.

Eligibility: A current MSA patient, has public identity to raise awareness about multiple system atrophy and Mission MSA, has provided significant service in furthering the public image of multiple system atrophy, has contributed time, talent, and service to Mission MSA.
Benefits: Plaque and Mission MSA-funded travel for the 2025 International MSA Congress (includes: registration, hotel accommodations, and incidentals). If the person is unable to travel, they may send a representative to accept the award on their behalf.
Applications are now closed.
Have questions about our 2025 International Congress Travel Scholarship opportunities? Please email our Community Engagement Manager, Casie Colletti at casie.colletti@missionmsa.org or Volunteer Engagement and Operations Coordinator, Ella Cox, at ella.cox@missionmsa.org.

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