May 9 – May 11, 2025

Hyatt Regency Cambridge

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

2025 International MSA Research Congress Abstracts

The 2025 International MSA Research Congress invites you to submit an abstract for presentation in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on May 9-11, 2025. Abstracts that are accepted will be asked to be made into poster or platform presentations to be delivered at the congress and will be published in congress programming and available on the 2025 IMSAC virtual platform.

Key Dates and Deadlines

All submitters will be required to agree to the dates posted within the submission form. Deadline extensions and/or changes after the posted deadlines will NOT be granted.


Abstract submissions open September 20, 2024.
Abstract submission deadline is November 10, 2024.
Abstract notifications will be sent out February 2025.
Late breaking abstract submissions open January/February 2025.

Information for Abstract Presenters

Accepted abstracts will be presented as printed posters in Boston. Please indicate if the abstract submitted has been presented previously.


To provide the best experience possible, the 2025 IMSAC encourages all accepted abstract representatives to participate by presenting a printed poster during their scheduled poster session. 

High-Ranking Abstracts may be Selected for Additional Oral Platform Presentation

Accepted abstract presenters should plan to attend the Congress to present the poster during the scheduled poster session(s). Attendance is not mandatory and does not affect abstract acceptance or publication.

Printed Poster Information


Poster Board Measurements


Abstract Submission Tracks

  1. Disease Pathogenesis and Mechanisms: Research focusing on the underlying causes, molecular pathways, and mechanisms involved in the development and progression of MSA.
  2. Clinical Features and Phenotypes: Research describing the diverse clinical presentations, phenotypic variations, and symptomatology of MSA, including motor and non-motor symptoms.
  3. Diagnostic Biomarkers and Imaging: Research presenting novel biomarkers, imaging techniques, and diagnostic modalities for the early and accurate diagnosis of MSA.
  4. Therapeutic Approaches and Clinical Trials: Research discussing pharmacological interventions, therapeutic strategies, and ongoing clinical trials aimed at slowing disease progression or alleviating symptoms in MSA patients.
  5. Disease Management and Care: Research focusing on multidisciplinary approaches to management, supportive care, and improving the quality of life for individuals living with MSA and their caregivers.
  6. Genetics and Risk Factors: Research exploring genetic factors, environmental influences, and risk factors associated with MSA susceptibility and disease progression.
  7. Animal Models and Preclinical Research: Research presenting findings from animal models, preclinical studies, and experimental therapeutics aimed at understanding disease mechanisms and testing potential treatments for MSA.
  8. Epidemiology and Natural History: Research examining the epidemiology, incidence, prevalence, and natural history of MSA across different populations and regions.
  9. Clinical Assessment Tools for MSA: Research on the validation and reliability of clinical assessment tools in MSA or comparing clinical assessment tools for diagnosing MSA vs. other neurodegenerative disorders.
  10. Quality of Life and Palliative Care: Research discussing the impact of MSA on quality of life, as well as palliative care approaches and end-of-life considerations.


Have questions about the 2025 Internation Congress? Please email us at

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