Sponsorship Opportunities
Mission MSA is excited to invite sponsors and industry partners to our 2025 International MSA Congress and provide opportunities to connect with our Congress audience through sponsorship. Sponsors will reach a projected attendance of 400 MSA patients, family members, care partners, researchers, and clinicians in-person as well as a virtual audience. As a sponsor, you gain targeted visibility and demonstrate your support for Mission MSA in providing information on relevant topics to our community and joining our fight against MSA.
If you’re interested in Congress Sponsorship, please fill out the below Sponsorship interest form. We have many sponsorship opportunities in our Sponsorship Prospectus, but we can also customize a package for you based on your goals for the event.
International MSA Congress Sponsorship Levels
Mission MSA looks forward to fostering strong relationships with global sponsors across different tiers. Participating sponsors will enter at the Exhibitor level ($5,000) and will be recognized based on cumulative event sponsorship and promotional spend.
Sponsorship levels are:

Have questions about sponsorship opportunities for the 2025 International Congress? Please email Elizabeth Turcza, Mission MSA’s Director of Development, at elizabeth.turcza@missionmsa.org.

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